What kind of people come to see you? I have seen clients from all walks of life. I have successfully treated women, men, stay at home mothers, children, teenagers, company directors, athletes, seniors and the frail.
I have successfully coached other entrepreneurs, other more experienced tappers, spiritual seekers, those with physical problems, those looking to overcome their longstanding habits and patterns, those suffering from trauma and those needing relief from their own mind and emotions.
I believe we each know what we want, who we want to be and how we want to be. What we don't always know is what stops us from being able to achieve our desires. I work with the subconscious mind because that's where the issue originates; that's what stops us from reaching our goals and overcoming our blocks. Regardless of who or what my clients are, I've found there is one thing they all have in common. They don't need to be told what to do or how to fix their lives; deep down they already know. But limiting beliefs, thoughts and feelings get stuck in our system and get in the way.
What my clients do need (and always benefit immensely when I offer them) are these three things.:
1. A more useful perspective than the one they currently have. 2. Access to tools to overcome fears and blocks. 3. To develop greater self belief.
It doesn't matter who you are or who you are not, with these things in place, there is no reason you can not thrive and get to where you want to be.
How long is a session? The session duration is flexible. I allow for 75 mins however, this is not enough for some clients and too much for others. Because EFT works at the neurological and emotional level, the brain will be working to change old patterns and create new wiring. Some clients may feel invigorated by the process, others may feel a little drained. My approach is client-centred, so after an hour, I check in with you and you decide if you would like to continue or not.
How many sessions will I need? Without knowing the exact nature of the issue, it's impossible to say. However, you're smart enough to know there is no quick fix or miracle cure for anything, so most likely it will be more than one.
EFT has indeed produced tremendous results, however, all change is a process, so the greater the commitment, the greater the results. Similarly to vitamins and nutrients that are used to bring the body back to good health, the amount of EFT sessions required depends on the severity of the issue and how long it has been in existence. Some people move their issues in two or three sessions, others need more support. Some are happy to get one area of their life under control, others want help in many areas.
Without wanting to sound evasive, it's important to note, there are many factors involved in overcoming physical and emotional barriers to health and happiness. The skills and experience of the practitioner play a large role in that outcome but it'd be safe to say that you'll definitely feel better after one session. You may even feel so good that you feel no further sessions are necessary.
In my experience, symptoms of problems are easily treated in one session but most emotional and physical ailments have deeper, less visible roots. If we don't want the problem to return we need to tend to those roots.
Without a doubt, lasting change, can and does occur, however, there are too many variables to say how long it takes.
What happens during a session? Whatever stops us from feeling wonderful, complete and capable is an obstacle. Identifying obstacles is a core part of the EFT process. In order for EFT to work it's magic and eliminate those obstacles to a wonderful life and optimal health, we firstly need to discover them.
During a session, we mostly talk and examine circumstances until we uncover pesky subconscious or limiting beliefs, thoughts and feelings. When we're clear and have found the culprits, we apply EFT to neutralise them. All of this happens under my guidance and with very little effort on your part.
Even though you are perfectly safe, you are welcome to not divulge anything that causes discomfort. Under those circumstances, the same great results can be expected, we simply adjust the method.
The session will be a combination of talking and then tapping, then maybe more talking and more tapping. You WILL leave feeling better than when you arrived.
What happens if EFT doesn't work for me? Aaaaah, good question! But tell me, what happens if it does work for you? Are you prepared for that?
Skepticism is healthy, however, the better question is ‘what is it costing me to stay the same?’
The truth is, I've never had a client not feel better and experience relief of symptoms either immediately, or within 24 hours of a session.
ok. ok. you got me there! There actually was this one client who had some seriously stubborn stuff that refused to budge, but it's ONE client! And anyway, I was newbie practitioner. AND! It was a blessing I couldn't help him. Because of him I worked hard to figure out what was going on, and as a result, I refined my protocol which is now so much more powerful.
And anyway. I offer a 'Not happy? No need to pay' policy. If your well being hasn't improved, your money will be refunded..
What is your availability like? Generally, you can expect an appt within the next 7 days (urgent issues may be sooner). I am available Monday to Friday. Saturdays and after hours by arrangement.
I operate from: The Healthy Hub Wellness Centre - Ballarat or Haddon - call to book an appt - 0447 044 073 or Melbourne - call to book an appt - 0447 044 073 or online - call to book an appt - 0447 044 073